
Thursday 14 February 2013

Groundhog Day

Good morning blogland!

There's a challenge over at MME using Groundhog Day as inspiration for a project - either the day itself (Feb 2) or the movie of the same name. Remember that one?  Can you believe it was made 20 years ago? And it's probably 20 years since I've seen it! From what I can remember, Bill Murray keeps living the same day over and over again and eventually falls in love with Andie MacDowell. I seem to remember him as being a bit of a gruff, grumpy man, but ultimately one with a kind heart - rather like my bloke in fact. So, I've been inspired by the fact that the movie is a love story and I've made a Valentines card for him:

I've used an MME lace stamp at the base of the card  and the papers are from a few different collections. I've made so many CAS cards with heaps of white space lately, I actually found it quite difficult to get back into using heavily patterned papers again.

Well, hope you all have a lovely Valentines dozen red roses, eternity ring and box of very expensive Belgian chocolates still haven't arrived - but there's still time.

Thanks for stopping by,

Claire x

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