
Monday 4 March 2013

Leibster Award

Hello Bloggers!

Well, this post has been a LONG time coming - a few months ago Michelle very kindly gave me a Liebster Award. In a nutshell this is what it's about:

It’s for inspirational bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers and is designed to be passed on to others. These are the guidelines for recipients:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Pass the award on to five bloggers who inspire you and have fewer than 200 followers.
  • Leave a comment on their blog so they know they are the recipient of the award.
I like the idea of this...there's some absolute gems out there and I think this is a lovely way to 'pay it forward' so to speak.

Now I sat down and did a draft post about who I wanted to pass the award on to, but I found it so difficult to pick 5 inspirational blogs, that I put it in the 'must do at a later date' basket. So what happens? I forget all about it and then I get another award from Anita.  So, I decided that it's about time I pulled my finger out and actually passed the award on. The blogs I've chosen (in no particular order) are:

The Storyteller

My Joyful Moments

Confessions of a Messy Crafter

Made with Sparkle

Kreative Kristie

Hope you have time to pop over to these blogs and say 'hi!'

Thanks for popping over to mine,

Claire x


  1. Claire, I am honored that you would give me this award. Thank you!

  2. Wow this has made my day! Thank you so much for choosing me, I will definitely have to check out the others too! x

  3. Thank you so much Claire for passing the award..appreciate it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - they really make my day!