
Thursday 31 October 2013

Getting Scrappy with MME

Hello folks,

Happy Halloween to you! Thank goodness it's almost over for another year - tonight has been spent following a horde of overexcited, sugar infused kids, stuffing their faces with chocolate and sweets, whilst blackmailing all the neighbours into giving them even more chocolate and sweets.   One day I'll actually be organised and won't force my children to wear an oversized costume, hastily put together from the $2 shop.

Now that the kids are in bed and I have a (large) glass of wine in hand I'll show you a layout I did for October's My Minds Eye challenge. I haven't scrapbooked for fact you can probably tell...but I so enjoyed it. Hopefully the scrappy mojo has begun to return:

I have to admit, it was a last minute layout and I would like to add some more bits and pieces but Mr Linky closes shortly so I've kept it very simple. All the papers are from the gorgeous 'Collectable' set...I truly could never get sick of them!

Thanks for popping by and happy haunting!

Claire x

1 comment:

  1. Amazing layout, super great!! I haven't done a scrap page in tooooo long. I can't wait though as I have a project I intend to give for a Christmas Present, so I had better get in gear!!

    Thanks for the encouragement on my new DT post, hope you do check it out if you get the chance!!!


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